DarkComet Full Latest Version


DarkComet is a freely available remote access trojan (RAT) developed by independent programmer, “DarkCoderSC,” first observed in 2011, and is still considered to be one of the most common RATs used. It is marketed as a “tool” as opposed to a “trojan” as it is claimed to be for network administrator use; however, its functionality attracts hackers. The trojan uses Crypters to evade antivirus tools and can disable Task Manager, Registry Editor, Folder Options, Windows Firewall, and Windows User Account Control (UAC). DarkComet is also able to log keystrokes, provide file system access and remote control – including control of devices such as microphones and webcams, and has a distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) capability. Additionally, the trojan has a number of “fun functions” including, the Fun Manager – different types of fun functions, including: hiding the desktop, lock, task icons, sys tray icons, taskbar, start button, task manager, and open/close the CD tray. The remote desktop capability allows the attacker to see the active screen of the infected user as well as take control of the mouse and keyboard. DarkComet is most commonly spread through drive-by attacks and links on social networking sites. Systems can be protected by keeping them updated and using antivirus software.


DarkComet Features:

  • Spy Functions
  • Webcam Capture
  • Sound Capture
  • Remote Desktop
  • Keylogger
  • Network Functions
  • Active Ports
  • Network Shares
  • Server Socks5
  • LAN Computers
  • Net Gateway
  • IP Scanner
  • Url Download
  • Browse Page
  • Redirect IP/Port
  • WiFi Access Points
  • Computer Power
  • Poweroff
  • Shutdown
  • Restart
  • Logoff
  • Server Actions
  • Lock Computer
  • Restart Server
  • Close Server
  • Uninstall Server
  • Upload and Execute
  • Remote Edit Service
  • Update Server
  • From URL
  • From File
  • Fun Features
  • Fun Manager
  • Piano
  • Message Box
  • Microsoft Reader
  • Remote Chat
  • etc...

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      Password: EHT
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